For people in general these may be just words, but for eighteen-year old Abhishek Banerjee these very words turned out to be life-changing experiences over the next five years.
He dreams of studying in a good college, to make new friends there, to have a girl by his side as his girlfriend, and above all, to carve out a niche for himself and leave his mark. He starts realising his dreams when he gets selected in Animus Law School, one of the premier private law schools of the country. But, on the very first day he realises that lady luck is not on his side.
Does he make new friends he yearned for? Does he meet and get the girl he dreamt of? Is he able to make his mark? If no, then why. But if yes, then how.
Full of patience along with an amiable, helpful and jovial nature, and a never-say-die and never-give-in attitude, Abhishek embarks on a five-year long journey called college and on the way experiences life.